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Firewall Fortinet FortiGate 100F (FG-100F-BDL-950-12)
Firewall Fortinet FortiGate 81F (FG-81F-BDL-950-12)
Firewall Fortinet FortiGate 80F (FG-80F-BDL-950-12)
FG-71F Tường lửa Firewall Fortigate 7 Ports 1GE, 2 Ports WAN, 1 SSD
Tường lửa FortiGate 70F
Tường lửa FortiGate 60F
Dell Connectrix DS-6620B-V2 Switch
S4148F-ON Dell EMC PowerSwitch 48 Ports 10GbE SFP+, 2x QSFP+, 4x 100GbE QSFP28
S4128F-ON Dell EMC PowerSwitch S Series 28 Ports 10GbE SFP+, 2x 100GbE QSFP28
C9200L-24P-4G-E Cisco Catalyst 9200L 24 Port PoE+ 370W, 4x1G uplink, Network Essentials
MR56-HW Cisco Meraki Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) with Multigigabit Ethernet.
Cisco 802.11n Auto ; 3×4:3SS; Mod;Ext Ant; E Reg Domain (AIR-SAP2702E-E-K9)
Cisco 1941 CISCO1941-SEC/K9 Security Bundle w/SEC license PAK
Cisco 1941 CISCO1941/K9 w/2 GE 2 EHWIC slots 256MB CF 512MB DRAM IP Base
Cisco 2504 AIR-CT2504-15-K9 Wireless Controller with 15 AP Licenses
Cisco 2504 AIR-CT2504-50-K9 Wireless Controller with 50 AP Licenses
Cisco 2504 AIR-CT2504-5-K9 Wireless Controller with 5 AP Licenses
Cisco 2901 CISCO2901/K9 w/2 GE 4 EHWIC 2 DSP 256MB CF 512MB DRAM IP Base
Aruba 3810 24/48G Switch
Cisco Catalyst 2960L 16 port GigE with PoE, 2 x 1G SFP, LAN Lite, WS-C2960L-16PS-LL
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